Portfolio in Red (2004 - 2021)

In Oriental philosophy, color connects with Chi, our inner spirit, influencing our balance and emotions. Red, for instance, symbolizes both love and violence, its meanings varying with cultural context. It evokes life's intensity, passion, and emotionality, transcending time and cultures. I explore red's symbolism across diverse contexts, capturing its nuanced meanings in each image. From China's association of red with happiness to its religious symbolism, red embodies desire, passion, and success. It's a universal color, vibrant and penetrating, captivating across contexts. Red's etymology traces back to Latin, with consistent meanings across languages. In art, red signifies ardor, vitality, and eroticism, commanding attention and eliciting emotional responses. Red's cultural significance extends globally, reflecting diverse beliefs and practices. For me, red serves as a powerful visual language, translating stories through captivating imagery.