Los santiagueros, siglo XXI (2000-2019) (Spanish version)

Is it possible that at times I feel my identity faltering? Ticio Escobar taught me that identities are not singular but varied, fluctuating, and part of a process of self-recognition within diverse social frameworks. My series 'Los santiagueros, siglo XXI,' conceived and enriched between 2000 and 2019, delves into this question of identity, belonging, and the transformation of space over time.

As a purebred santiaguero, born and raised in Santiago de Cuba, my connection to the city remains despite emigrating to the United States in 1995. Visits to Santiago evoke mixed feelings—a passionate chaos of love/hate, distance/closeness, indifference/affection, emptiness/fullness. Santiago is where my ancestors lived, where I spent my formative years; it's the place I still call 'home' in spirit.

Despite restrictions, I returned to Santiago from 2000 onwards, compelled by the city's evolution, its memories, and the warmth of its people. Through my lens, I captured the essence of Santiago, revealing its reality amidst romanticism and nostalgia. My intention is to portray the evolving daily life of my hometown, prompting reflection on my identity, my connection to the city, and my place within its social fabric.